Sunday, 18 May 2014

Grape Fruit: Medicine For Diabetes:19 Other Benefits

The grapefruit (Citrus × paradise- the “x” stands for hybrid) is a subtropical citrus tree known for its tart and tangy taste, with an underlying sweetness. Grapefruits are related to the orange, lemon and pomelo, have either yellow or pinkish-yellow skin and categorized as white (blond), pink or ruby, based on the color of their flesh. The wonderful flavor of a grapefruit is like paradise as is expressed by its Latin name, Citrus paradise.



Grapefruit juice has an alkaline reaction after digestion, neutralizing the acidity in the stomach.
Atherosclerosis: Grapefruit contains Pectin that is effective in reducing the accumulation of arterial deposits, and vitamin C helps to strengthen and maintain the elasticity of arteries.


Bioflavonoids found in grapefruit eliminates excess estrogen, and fight carcinogens in breast cancer patients. Pectin acts as a bulk laxative, protecting the colon mucous membrane from stomach and pancreatic cancer. Lycopene along with Vitamin A fight lung cancer and oral cancer. Naringenin, a flavonoid helps to repair damaged DNA in prostate cancer cells.

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